tests, exams, homework, assignments. we all go through that some point in our lives and at times, the pile of work and studying does not seem to end(me imagining myself swimming in a pool of books and papers, but then again-i can't swim!:P). and when all those burning the midnight oil, endless cups of coffee(yes, i mean u, STEPH!), dozing off in classes, receiving another task before you've barely started with thoses on your endless list of work (on your table, under your bed, somewhere in the pile of books, maybe it's in the bag, aiks where is my homework!??!) finally take toll, we scream STRESS!!! but, this could be constructive or...destructive (unfortunately, as miss alice puts it;p). so before you finally explode, my friend, take a deep breathe, sit back and relax. there's more to life than that. as we sigh about how life's being unfair to you, as we grumble about how things could have been better if we're not in kbu (imagine chooi yun: grr....), as we complaint about the amount of work we're expected to handle, or as we get frustrated when things just aren't going our way, think about the better things in life that we seem to neglect at times like these and we'll start to realise that we're actually not using much of our capabilities and abilities to its maximum. i know u ppl are stressed with ur moral assignments and homework, but hey, i don't have it much better here;P but once in a while, i sleep through the day, watch lot of tv, sit down and start to chat, i know that there's a long stretch of road that i've yet to walk, and i know that something good will turn out at along the way:) argh...god knows what's wrong with me...why am i being so philosophical and babbling like an old lady here?! haha, anyway, just wanna do sumthing to help all of us to release stress and hopefully, you're smiling as u come to the end of my post :)
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