well, well, well....what can i say? my exams suck! i did so badly i can't even begin to say....haihhh.....tis holiday has just started n i have the feeling that it won't ever be enough for me.....i wish dee day would never come! can someone help me n pass tis message to God! haihhh! i admit i'm very lazy but u can't actually stop anyone from over-indulged rite? i mean.....okie maybe over indulgence is not goood, but u can't help it rite..... a bit of newspaper evryday is not a bad idea rite, n a bit of tv, a bit of computer games n surfing the net, a bit of novel, well u C, there goes all my time! plus a bit of chatting n all, haihhh....i just wonder how anyone can find any time to study at all......welll forget me, i'm gone! c ya nx time when i come here n complain again!